Max Dudler Narrating Spaces


The big can be understood through the small. When it comes to spatial atmosphere, a room functions according to the same principles as a house, a square, or an entire city. “Spatial atmosphere, no matter on what scale, is the result of reduction and materiality,” says Max Dudler, whose architectural work encompasses a particularly broad spectrum of projects as diverse as the Jacob-and-Wilhelm Grimm Centre, Sale e Tabacchi in Berlin, and Hambach Castle.

The exhibition “Max Dudler. Narrating Spaces” approaches his architecture for the first time through the interior spaces and furniture he has designed. The photographic essay produced by Stefan Müller for this exhibition makes it possible to experience the moods and haptics of Dudler’s interior spaces and furniture by allowing the harmony of light and shadow with forms, materials, and surfaces to unfold. At the same time, the 27 large-format motifs, presented in cherry-wood frames, take exhibition visitors on a journey through time, exploring lived-in spaces, each with their own unique patina.

The photographs are joined by a selection of furniture designs that Max Dudler developed over the course of 30 years for the interiors company Deutsche Werkstätten in Hellerau, Germany. Just like his first series, “Black Monday,” the chairs and tables in the latest “Max Dudler” and “Hambach” collections are a testament to Dudler’s steadfast commitment to reducing design to the essentials with clear forms and high-quality materials.

In conjunction with the exhibition, the book Max Dudler. Narrating Spaces (also available in German: Max Dudler. Räume erzählen) has been published by Jovis Verlag Berlin. The book is edited by Simone Boldrin with photographs by Stefan Müller, and texts by Milan Bulaty, Kasper König, Renate Kreckel, Peter Cachola Schmal, and Georg F. Thoma.