Grieger Harzer Dvorak Lustgarten

, Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

, Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

, Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

, Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

, Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

Grieger Harzer Dvorak: Lustgarten, 2024 (Foto: Jan Bitter)

What constitutes a high-quality open space today? Grieger Harzer Dvorak address this question by taking a formally undogmatic approach to landscape architecture, integrating social, ecological, and economic functions into the very core of their creations. Simultaneously, they explore themes in their designs that extend beyond formal or functional considerations. This includes treating open spaces as repositories of history, platforms for public expression, and immersive nature experiences. This open-minded approach brings a sense of fulfilment to their design process, enhancing the quality of their projects and playing a significant role in their success.

Until a few years ago, landscape architecture often steered clear of incorporating formal styles and elements from historical gardens. This stemmed from a desire to move beyond the traditional focus on gardens and parks, and a distinct separation from the role of a gardener. In contrast, Grieger Harzer Dvorak combine formal languages from various styles into contemporary expressions. Visitors may encounter a minimalist design that transforms into an ornamental and even an opulent one just around the corner – or vice versa.

Today, open spaces are expected to be inclusive, provide recreation opportunities, promote biodiversity, and positively impact the climate. Furthermore, building components should be easy to maintain and repair, and building materials should be reusable. Grieger Harzer Dvorak consider these aspects as integral to their designs, although not always the primary focal point. For instance, they discreetly installed rainwater storage elements under a square that includes exercise and playground equipment, barrier-free ramps, shade trees, native plants, and photovoltaic systems.

In their exhibition, Grieger Harzer Dvorak illustrate the above themes in their work through a park in Kempten, an experimental garden in Leipzig, and a town square in Hannover. Like the projects themselves, their installation reflects a collage of forms, mediums, and materials that complement and merge with one another.

Grieger Harzer Dvorak Landschaftsarchitekten was founded in Berlin in 2018. Their service spectrum encompasses the design of open spaces, such as city squares, gardens, parks, promenades, and residential courtyards in urban and rural areas on all scales, as well as urban planning. Most of their projects result from competition wins, such as Stadtpark Kempten (2017), the Bavarian State Garden Show, and Stadteingang Süd in Papenburg (both 2023). Current projects include the Kelbra Crane Experience Center (architecture: Richter Musikowski), the redesign of Steintorplatz in Hannover, and Franz-Naumann-Platz in Berlin.