Architektur Galerie Berlin


nps tchoban voss. Cultural Continuity – Design Progression

44 Euro

Publisher: Falk Jaeger

The origins of the architecture office nps tchoban voss go back as far as 1931. Founded in Hamburg, the group practice now also has offices in Berlin and Dresden and is one of the most active and successful offices in each of the three cities.
Quality living and work environments and attractive and stimulating urban and personal surroundings can only be created by taking a holistic approach to planning that encompasses the entire spectrum of environmental design, from urban design to the building details. For the architects, the principle of sustainability applies not only to construction but must also be seen as an aesthetic category. This book shows examples of the office’s recent projects that reveal how nps tchoban voss applies their notion of quality from the scale of the local neighborhood to the design of interiors, and how at a formal level, they continue to create modern architecture that eschews short-lived architectural fashions in favor of creating economic architecture of lasting aesthetic value.
