Architektur Galerie Berlin XX Storefront Images


Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Architektur Galerie Berlin, the exhibition will present “Storefront Images” by photographer Jan Bitter. The series comprises more than 50 photographs taken over the course of 10 years, documenting the outward view of the exhibitions from the same perspective. Taken as a whole, they review the immense spectrum of spatial interventions that the featured architects have designed for the gallery as an artistic statement. At the same time, the series illustrates and thus contributes to the ongoing discussion about the dialogue between private interior and public exterior space.

Since the gallery’s founding, the discourse on contemporary architecture has continued to evolve in accordance with current issues. At the same time, digital information and social networks have triggered a dramatic transformation of the exhibition format itself. Accompanying the exhibition, gallery founder Ulrich Müller will speak with influential actors about the challenges and potentials of this development in the series “Status quo Architektur ausstellen” (“Exhibiting Status Quo Architecture”).

06.05.2021: Dr. h.c. Kristin Feireiss (Aedes Architekturforum) YouTube
11.05.2021: Peter Cachola Schmal (Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM Frankfurt/Main) YouTube
18.05.2021: Beate Engelhorn (Haus der Architektur Graz) YouTube
25.05.2021: Nicola Borgmann (Architekturgalerie München) YouTube
27.05.2021: Dr. Martino Stierli (The Museum of Modern Art, New York City) YouTube
01.06.2021: Prof. Dr. Andres Lepik (Architekturmuseum TU München) YouTube
03.06.2021: Dr. Ines Weizman (Centre for Documentary Architecture) YouTube
08.06.2021: Andreas Ruby (S AM  Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum Basel) YouTube
10.06.2021: Angelika Fitz (Architekturzentrum Wien) YouTube
15.06.2021: Nikolaus Hirsch (CIVA Brüssel, Deutscher Pavillon Architekturbiennale Venedig 2021) YouTube
17.06.2021: Louisa Hutton (Sauerbruch Hutton) YouTube

The exhibition was supported by the crowd funding campaign Support the Gallery:

agps  AllesWirdGut  Eike Becker  BEHF  Behles&Jochimsen  bogevischs buero  Burkhalter Sumi  Caramel  Christ&Gantenbein  Duplex  Ferrier Marchetti  Gigon/Guyer  Jörg Gleiter  Heike Hanada  Holzer Kobler  INNOCAD  kadawittfeldarchitektur  Kawaharakrause  LAVA  MVRDV  pool  Sauerbruch Hutton  Luca Selva  Adrian Streich  Tchoban Voss  Studio Wiewiorra.

Daniel Angly  Walter Angonese  Benthem Crouwel  Margitta Buchert  Vanessa Carlow  Caruso St John  Cukrowicz Nachbaur  Mila Hacke  Christoph Hesse  jessenvollenweider  Kawaharakrause  LOVE  Arno Lederer/Jórunn Ragnarsdottir  Gereon Legge  Alan Mueller  Oda Pälmke  Wolfgang Reul  Anna Scheuermann  Michael Schuster  Sophia Ungers  Cordula Vielhauer  Rusanna Werbicki  Tobias Wulf.