Young Talents No 4: Bochum University of Applied Sciences / Studio Jan R. Krause Architektur Media Management


For the fourth time in a row, the summer exhibition is dedicated to young talent. This year the gallery covers the Bochum University of Applied Sciences masters program, Architecture Media Management AMM, under the direction of Prof. Jan R. Krause. A degree program is introduced, whose content should actually be obligatory for all architecture students. The comprehensible and convincing public presentation of projects and buildings is an important foundation for successful work as an architect.

To illustrate the content and goals of the masters program, Berlin architect Astrid Bornheim transforms the gallery into a reading room for four weeks. This becomes a writing room; the installation becomes Raumschrift, or spatial writing. Exhibition architecture wants to be read, just as the exhibited objects: approximately 1,000 volumes of the new AMM Edition “Architekturvermittlung” (“communicating architecture”). Therein arises the question of how the idea behind the architecture can be successfully communicated to the public. Numerous contributions from architects, journalists, curators and theorists invited by the masters students to the annual AMM Symposium, illuminate the multifaceted possibilities of communicating architecture.

Since 2002, the AMM Symposium has developed into the central conference in Germany on the communication of architecture. More than 50 renowned experts have, in the meantime, constructed numerous points of communication to the general public. Since the establishment of the AMM masters program seven years ago – counting among the first masters program for architects in Germany – more than 100 architects have been educated to be communication professionals. This exhibition is dedicated to them and to everyone who is interested in communicating with and about architecture.